In our last letter we wrote about “I” trouble, too many things are about “me”. Well, this month let’s take a look at who we are, our identity. Many times someone will come up to us and ask who we are… Generally our name comes first and then often followed by who or what we identify with. It may be family, career, hobby or activity (I’m a teacher, an artist, a runner, etc.), where we live or where we’re from, etc. This is our identity.
Do you know that you can never actually see yourself though; yes, you can see a reflection in the mirror or an image from a photograph but you can’t physically “see” yourself. You don’t see your actual “Eye-Dentity”.
So, if I’m a reflection or an image let me reflect Christ, God’s glory! As in our last letter, we need to see all things through His eyes and identify with Him.
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Gal. 2:20)
Now, let’s reevaluate our “Eye-Dentity” through the eyes of Christ…
What a great new answer!!!
We had an exciting and reenergizing trip to several Western States where many souls were encountered and witnessed to along the way. This also gave us some much-needed time to set-up and launch our Keystone World Outreach YouTube channel
and experiment with equipment operation. Please check-in and don’t forget to subscribe and like. Watch til the end on several of them to see our trial ministry trailer.
We are also leading two small group study’s, one at our home church and one in-house. Thin Within, a biblically based study regarding God’s plan for eating. Please feel free to contact us if you would like additional information.
We are continuing to collect supplies for personal hygiene bags for distribution through Lydia’s Grace. Current needs are toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, Chapstick, and combs.
A full load of these products was delivered to Ruth’s Place in upstate Pennsylvania earlier this month. This is a faith-based shelter, where the Gospel of Christ is welcome, for women in distressed situations.
Many dishcloths with tracts were personally distributed throughout our travels West as well. Pray that these seeds sown will bear much fruit.
Thank you to all who contributed to Lydia’s Grace for distribution/witnessing tracts, supplies, and materials.
Lydia’s Grace is an approved subsidiary of Keystone World Outreach that focuses on sharing the love of Jesus to women in need through the distribution of feminine care products.
Visit us at www.kwoutreach.org. Our Prayer Letters are now available on-line as well so please feel free to share them with anyone you think might be interested. “Like” us on Facebook too!
Thank you for your continued support through prayer, product, and financial contributions. Please note that donations can also be made online via PayPal from our website. Just click on the PayPal link. We know that we cannot do any of this without the help of God and His people.
Love and Blessings in Christ,
Ph. 717-762-2050
e-mail: bns1986@comcast.net
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