Think About It
This morning I find myself sitting here in my hotel room in a small town in northern Ontario on a very drizzly cold morning staring out the window thinking about what to write my next blog on. I’m a good daydreamer, or procrastinator, whatever you like to call it, I’m the perfect picture. According to the weather channel it looks like it’s going to be raining all week so I guess I’ll get lots of my much-needed writing done.
Our window overlooks a small neighborhood with not much activity. As I sat there watching the neighborhood and rain with a little snow mixed in, I began thinking about the people living in the houses. Who are they? Are they Happy? Where do they stand in their faith? Do they have any faith at all? What are these families dealing with? My mind started to wonder about what was under the roof of each of the homes. Yards look neat and tidy around the homes but does that really paint the picture of the truth that lies within?
A few months ago, I was made aware of a situation that I had no idea how to handle, or if I should attempt to handle it. I’m not intimately close to the people involved but love and care about them and their well-being. Upon much prayer over a period of weeks I felt like I was to not try and handle it myself, but one thing I know God showed me through this mind-blowing situation is that people are truly hurting. There are many people that are hiding things within the four walls of their homes that they can’t share with anyone else. Be it because of shame, trust, loneliness or a multitude of reasons, they can’t get help.
I tell you this because I want you to start thinking. Start thinking about your neighbors, do they need help with something? Do they need a friend? Prayer or an invite to church? What about the people setting beside you in church? Sure, they may look nice and all put together, but what do they deal with when they leave? We’re all liars in a way because none of us really be real with those we come in contact with. Ouch! We had a friend years ago named Bill, his favorite statement was “worry bout self”.
Now let’s look at self! As Believers in Christ, are we the problem? Are we being open with people about our struggles? Are we befriending the new person that doesn’t act or look like we do? Do we run out the door as soon as church service ends in hopes to get ahead of the church crowd at our favorite restaurant? Do we spend time on our knees or at the alter? Do we carry a holier than thou attitude? Do we quickly judge and run from a situation, or do we move towards a situation seeking God’s help in dealing with it? These are difficult questions to ponder on. I’m guilty on many if not all. I definetly could be more open and inviting towards others.
I hope this stirs your heart to say, I will be that friend they can confide in. I will be the one on my knees praying. I will be the one who listens and moves to help. I will reach out and lead them to Jesus. And, if you are dealing with things you are overwhelmed with and feel you can’t find a way out, I urge you to step forward in faith and ask Jesus to be and to give you that friend and confidant. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. John 14:6
Love and Blessings in Christ,
Britt & Sherry Miller
Ph. 717-762-2050
Keystone World Outreach, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Contributions (checks payable to Keystone World Outreach) are tax deductible as allowed by the US tax code and are applied 100% to the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide.