Even in the Silence
Even in the silence, Jesus you’re working! These are words to a song titled Silence by JWLKRS Worship that bring me to tears every time I hear it. It reminds me of the truth as sorrows of this past year resonate in my mind. I know as I write this, many of you can relate in some manner and I pray that you will find comfort in the words of this song as I often do.
Silence starts out with the words; “As I walk through the fire let it purify me, I know You’re with me there.” We all understand what it feels like to go through difficult times, but to pray for them to purify us seems to take us to a whole new dimension. This past year we’ve experienced great times of emotional distress as we’ve watched our grandchildren be dragged through the court system by a father that wants nothing to do with what’s right. His motive; to indoctrinate innocent children in very liberal views that go against everything godly. As we went through months of prayer and begging God to protect the children and show favor on our family, we, in disbelief watched the final decision go to what we feared the most. Silence! It seemed as if our prayers weren’t heard and answered the way we wanted. God seemed silent.
I’m a person of strong faith most of the time. But as each notice came from the attorney that the father was doing one more round in the legal system to try something new, my prayers became more of begging God to do something, anything… Literally anything. After months of this, I finally got to the point of praying for God’s will to be done. Oh, is that hard, especially when you know His will may not be what you want. “Let it purify me” is where I needed to be and God was slowly showing me that, and to be honest, I didn’t like it.
The song continues… “Though fear and doubt may find me, God You hold the victory and I know you’re with me there”. Praying God’s will is hard. Jesus himself prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup pass from me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.” Matthew 26:39. Jesus knew it would be hard to go to the cross and take on the sins of the world, yet He prayed, “Not My will but Your will be done”. Jesus, in agony, prayed so hard that His sweat was as great drops of blood. Luke 22:44, tells us that Jesus was afraid, He was human. While Jesus was hanging on the cross, God went silent and with a great voice Jesus cried out Eli, Eli lama sabachthani? That is to say, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? Matthew 27:46
Jesus, like us, knows what it’s like to fear and He knows what it’s like to feel as if Father God is silent. He experienced it all, yet even in the silence God held the victory. Three days later
God raised Jesus from the dead, Acts 13:30. He overcame death and the grave to show us that if we believe in Him, we will overcome death and the grave also and have eternal life in heaven with Him.
Even in the silence, Jesus is working. Even in the darkness, Jesus is there. I don’t know what God’s plan is for my grandchildren but I know He has one. I don’t understand why He chose to answer the way He did but I don’t need to. Even when it feels like my prayers don’t get past the ceiling and God is silent, He is working on the details and He knows the beginning to the end and His plan is perfect. God holds the victory! I would encourage you to go to Youtube or wherever you stream your music and listen to Silence. I hope it speaks to you as it has to me.
Love and Blessings in Christ,
Britt & Sherry Miller
Ph. 717-762-2050
e-mail: bns1986@comcast.net
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