A call to Christ in the midst of national turmoil
As we consider the events of the past month and year, it can be difficult to find words to process and express the far-reaching emotions and thoughts we all have. We do not recall a time in recent history where anger and anxieties have been so inflamed, not only within society but within the church. Partisan passions are high, racial wounds are raw, and trust is low. It seems as if each month brings us a new challenge. Calming voices of reason and reconciliation are drowned out amidst shouting.
Scripture reminds us that there is divine purpose in difficult times. You are not living in this hour of history by accident (Acts 17:26-28)! We are called to live faithfully for Jesus Christ during “such a time as this,” not shrinking back in fear but holding steadfast in faith, hope, and love (Esther 4:14; Hebrews 10:38-39; 1 Corinthians 13:13).
We must recognize where we have misplaced our hope, whether in individuals, political solutions, or idealized expectations of human justice. One sign that we’ve placed undue hope in something is whether it feels as though our world is coming apart when events unfold in ways that counter our expectations, leading to unusually strong discouragement, loss, or disillusionment. Those emotions are often directed somewhere — toward political leaders and parties, religious leaders and organizations, our friends, our co-workers, our spouse, even ourselves.
The Gospel speaks so clearly, reminding us that everyone and everything apart from Jesus Christ will ultimately fail to meet deep-seated, God-designed human longings. Nothing and no one other than Jesus Christ can carry the burden of being Savior. All else will ultimately crumble under that pressure.
Once we understand God’s eternal perspective, we realize that even the defeats are disguised victories. History’s most heart-wrenching defeat was when Jesus was crucified, yet at that moment He was disarming the rulers and authorities and putting them to open shame (Colossians 2:15)!While some people may interpret recent U.S. political events as indications of a victory or defeat of the Church or God’s will, we must not. God will bring the results He wants in His timing and His way.
The Bible is clear: When we see disorder and vile practices, then we can be confident that sin is at work, regardless of anyone’s claim to know or represent God’s will.
When we see traits like purity, gentleness, reasonableness, and mercy, then we can be confident that God is at work, even through imperfect human beings.
Mordecai told Esther, “who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14). Mordecai believed in divine providence through national and ethnic turmoil. So do we.
May God give us grace to faithfully live for Him in this hour of history, laboring for societal change for the Kingdom of God and offering the hope and healing of Jesus Christ and His Gospel.
*An excerpt from Samaritan Ministries Christian Health Care Newsletter; by Rob Waldo, Vice President of Member Services
Thank you to all who continue to partner and pray with us in the ministry the Lord has called us to.
Lydia’s Grace is an approved subsidiary of Keystone World Outreach that focuses on sharing the love of Jesus to women in need through the distribution of feminine care products.
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Love and Blessings in Christ,
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e-mail: bns1986@comcast.net
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