First Person View… While in Oromocto, New Brunswick last month we encountered some folks who have a “drone” ministry at the local Baptist Church. Congregants as well as outsiders come to the fellowship hall to meet and fly radio controlled drones. We just had to see what this was all about and join in on the fun and fellowship- what great unity building as well as a witnessing tool to the community.

After testing our flying skills they had us try flying via a video screen, not so easy. The next level is FPV (first person view) goggles. A method to fly with a close-up view of what the drone camera sees yet fly completely out of direct sight. Rather unnerving!

The point is, in living in obedience to God, He directs us in unseen and unnerving directions sometimes (like northern Canada in January!). We must have the faith, confidence, trust and obedience to allow Him to guide us in His plan.

O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. (Jer. 10:23)

Another encounter was with a beautiful French couple in New Brunswick. We had great ministry, spirit filled prayer, and fellowship together. They tell us of wearing the colors of a Christian motorcycle club where Yvon is the chaplain. They also include a shofar ministry, when they stop he sounds a call to worship to attract attention and invite others to come and hear about Jesus. Nicole has a worship dance ministry that includes flags and scarves.

Though we witnessed to many others and met with other churches and pastors one last story is from the Bethlehem AOG church. They hold a Jewish style Sabat service on Saturdays. What a great opportunity to be a part of this.

Lydia’s Grace Update:

Thank you for your prayers and supply contributions here too! Though we had no specific appointments for Lydia’s Grace on this trip to Canada, as good missionaries we always try to go prepared. We did take two large cases of feminine hygiene products with us just-in-case. Well, the Lord obliged… He set us an appointment at The Island Pregnancy Center in Charlottetown, PEI. When we explained to them what we did and what we had to donate they were shocked, as were we, because we had exactly what they were in need of! This is a faith based ministry center so we were free to distribute gospel literature. Their primary clientele is Syrian refugee families. What a divine appointment to meet with the staff and some of the Syrian families.

May Christ be our FIRST PERSON VIEW!

Thank you for your prayers as we ministered with others in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island in Canada. Yes it was cold (mostly single digits), windy, and snowed most every day but we encountered so many warm hearts and the opportunity to snuggle-in and meet more intimately with them than if the weather were different.

One of these encounters was in Lynn, MA where we met with Sis. Maria Firman. We had a delivery of Spanish tracts and literature for her ministry there. She is from the Dominican Republic and she gave us her testimony of being a witch, into witchcraft and demon possessed. The demons told her to jump out of a 5th story window and take her own life. She was badly injured but God spared her life and through much prayer and fasting saved her soul. Now she ministers particularly to others filled with demon possession in the Spanish community in Massachusetts.

Lydia’s Grace is an approved subsidiary of Keystone World Outreach that focuses on sharing the love of Jesus to women in need through the distribution of feminine care products.

Our supplies are dwindling so we will be announcing some specific needs soon.

With the exception of Maria in MA, no other encounter we had on this trip was scheduled or planned! God ordained each meeting; for in our acknowledgement (obedience) He directed our paths!

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Pro. 3:6)

Be in “FPV” and obedient to the Lord!!!

Visit us at @www.kwoutreach.org. Our Prayer Letters are now available on-line as well so please feel free to share them with anyone you think might be interested.

Thank you for your continued support through prayer, product, and financial contributions. Please note that donations can also be made online via PayPal from our website. Just click on the PayPal link. We know that we cannot do any of this without the help of God and His people.

Blessings in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
