Oh, how easy it is for us to get wrapped up in all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. Before too long, we find that we’ve placed the real meaning of this time of year on the back burner. Throughout the busyness of these last few weeks, we’ve found ourselves meditating on the phrase “from the cradle to the cross.”
Luke 2:7 tells us.. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
This precious baby, Jesus, was God’s plan to enter into the world in the flesh, into humanity. He was poor, hungry, weak, tempted, and tired. He understands all of our hurts and needs. He not only understands but came to fulfill our greatest need … our need for atonement for our sins.
The cross was that plan!
Romans 5:6,8,9 says: For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christdied for us. 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath
through him.
2 Timothy 4:8 tells us there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
We adore Him in the cradle, stand in awe at the cross, and one day will glory in thecrown.
In November we enjoyed some time of ministering through word and song in Northern Ontario in several churches. We also were privileged to spend a bit of time encouraging and ministering to the hearts of pastors struggling with the changing culture in and out of the churches.
Thank you to all who contributed supplies that we were able to deliver to The Bancroft Pregnancy Center, Graphite Bible Camp, and Joy Camp. We want to pass on to each of you how grateful each of these were to receive your gifts that are often in very short supply.
On this trip we felt led to expand our territory and travel to Northeast Ontario to a town called Arnprior. We weren’t quite sure what we would find but we left Bancroft with open and excited hearts to see what God had in mind. We were honored to be a blessing to The Grind, a coffee house that ministers to the hearts and needs of the homeless population. They also have a shelter which is completely run on contributions. So once again, we thank you for helping us be a small part in blessing them with gifts from the Lord.
Please pray for us as we are preparing for a couple weeks in Thunder Bay later this winter. This has been on our hearts for a couple of years and due to the distance, we haven’t been able to get there. God burdened us through a documentary on the increased suicide rate among the youth there and has confirmed it several times since then by bringing this city to our knowledge through various ways. Pray that we follow His leading as to where He would have us go and what He would have us do.
We also give great praise to God for several miracles this past month! Miraculous healings and desirable medical test results.
We are currently booking dates for the months of March, April, and May to preach and sing. If you would like us to come to hold a service, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you very much for your continued support through contributions and finances. We know that we cannot do any of this without the help of God and His people. You have blessed us abundantly throughout this past year and we look forward to seeing what God has planned for us in the coming year. We love and pray for each one of you.
Lydia’s Grace is an approved subsidiary of Keystone World Outreach that focuses on sharing the love of Jesus to women in need through the distribution of feminine care products.
We pray you have avery Merry Christmas and a very blessed New
Love In Christ,
Bitt & Sherry Miller
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