August 2021 Prayer Letter

…One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see. (Jn. 9:25)
All too often we have trouble seeing clearly in another area as well… We have “I” trouble. Our vision needs checked, re-prescribed, corrected, and adjusted to really see clearly. Talking in a spiritual sense, we have “I” trouble. We’re reminded of a Sunday School statement years ago, “we often pray amiss”… I tell God what I want, when I think it should happen, how I want it done, and so on. Even though many times our prayers really do seem noble.
I have I trouble, I need to go to the Great Physician (God), get His prescription (His word), receive corrective lenses (to see with the mind of the Lord), and be adjusted to see and do clearly!
As we align ourselves with the mind and will of the Lord, our vision will change and we will see all things in His way, through His eyes, and in His time.
Here’s the best place to start; from the direct teaching of Jesus. Note the collective value and the omission of “I”…
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. (Mt. 6:9-13)
Voila; reread the fine print, it’s amazing what corrective vision can do. We can have crystal clear spiritual sight when we see through the eyes of Christ.
Watch for some exciting new video content from KWO! We have acquired some new audio and video equipment and software that we hope to have up and running very soon. There will be some early previews on Facebook and a soon to be announced YouTube channel. As always, you can click on the Facebook icon on our website at, watch for some new updates here too. Please keep this new vision of media ministry in prayer during project development and broadcast launch. International travel remains complicated so we view this effort as a greater extension of our outreach for Jesus Christ that can cross these boundaries more effectively.
Please keep us in prayer also as we travel West once again. There are stops planned in between, however, our primary destination is Wyoming and Utah. Pray for health, safety, divine appointments, and most of all the salvation of souls.
Thank you to all who contributed to Lydia’s Grace for distribution/witnessing tracts, supplies, and materials. We are packaging bibles, hygiene bags, and handmade dishcloths to distribute across the country as we travel West. Pray that many souls are touched, encouraged, and receptive to the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout our travels.
Lydia’s Grace is an approved subsidiary of Keystone World Outreach that focuses on sharing the love of Jesus to women in need through the distribution of feminine care products.
Visit us at Our Prayer Letters are now available on-line as well so please feel free to share them with anyone you think might be interested. “Like” us on Facebook too!
Thank you for your continued support through prayer, product, and financial contributions. Please note that donations can also be made online via PayPal from our website. Just click on the PayPal link. We know that we cannot do any of this without the help of God and His people.
Love and Blessings in Christ,
Ph. 717-762-2050
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