Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.   (II Cor. 5:17)

New… (1) Different from one of the same category that has existed previously. (2) Of dissimilar origin and usually of superior quality. –Merriam Webster

As you may remember from our last letter, the conditions of winter; which have since passed away. Now we can experience springtime when life regenerates and things become new.  From the dead of winter unto the new life of spring, what a breath of fresh air!

Here, during this Easter season we recognize the newness, the regeneration of life in the New Testament. By the resurrection of Christ from that cold, dead tomb to be the firstborn from the dead. Arisen! With the promise that we too shall be raised with Christ, life anew, a new creature.

New- different from the same category that existed previously and of superior quality. Praise God!

Please continue to pray for us as we tie-up a few loose ends and prepare for our next ministry trip to the Eastern Atlantic Provinces of Canada. We are placing particular focus on Newfoundland. Pray for health, safety, divine encounters and appointments, and for the salvation of souls.

Remember too to visit our new website We hope you like the new design and layout, please bear with us though as we continue to add a few finishing touches. Visit our blog page for current articles and updates. Our Prayer Letters are now available on-line as well, so please feel free to share them with anyone you think might be interested.

Also ‘like’ us on Facebook and ‘follow’ us on twitter.

We appreciate any comments and/or suggestions.

  Lydia’s Grace Update: As we prepare for another ministry trip to Canada’s Eastern Provinces we remain in dire need of feminine sanitary napkins and tampons. Please help us to depart adequately prepared as this is our avenue to share the gospel of Christ to women in need in shelters, safe houses, recovery centers, church camps, pregnancy ministries, and wherever else the Lord opens doors of opportunity. As you may remember we ran short on our last trip and needed to resupply while there, which was far less cost effective. We are, of course, charged with being wise and faithful stewards of God’s provision.

  Lydia’s Grace is an approved subsidiary of Keystone World Outreach that focuses on sharing the love of Jesus to women in need through the distribution of feminine care products.

On a personal note, as a prayer letter we seek some specific prayer covering. Pray for us as we mourn the premature loss of a beloved pet, Toby. There is also a special medical concern that is on our hearts. Thank You!

Thank you very much for your continued support through product and financial contributions. We know that we cannot do any of this without the help of God and His people.

May the peace and joy of Christ be upon you!


