Dysfunctional Dreamer
Many of us have heard the story of Joseph the dreamer. Joseph was the next to youngest son of 13 boys. He was the first born to Rachel, Jacob’s favorite wife, thus making Joseph his favorite son. This caused hatred and jealousy to rise amongst the other siblings. At the age of 17 Joseph has two dreams. In both dreams his brothers would bow down to him and as you can imagine, this caused great animosity. Genesis 37:5-11
We fast forward to chapter 50 in Genesis, approximately 22 years later until Joseph gets to see his dreams fulfilled. Through all these years Joseph held fast to God through some very difficult times because he knew God had a plan for him. I won’t tell you the whole story, I want you to read it for yourself so you get to see the whole picture, beginning to end.
Just like Joseph, God puts dreams in us at very young ages. Some may have actual dreams and some may have a God implanted desire. I remember as a child having dreams of standing in front of people singing or leading songs in a large group setting. At a very young age, probably 8 or 9 years old, I started having this desire to make my own music and play the piano. My mother was, and still is, an excellent pianist and I so wanted to be like her. Standing in my bedroom, holding my brush for a microphone, I would practice singing and just dreaming about the day that I could possibly do what I loved so much in front of people.
At the age of 19 I marry the love of my life and two years later we start our family. You know the story, life happens! We built a home and raised our family, walking through the ups and downs of life. Never really gave much thought about my dreams, just moved through the days, months and years. I still had the desire to do those things but my roles as wife, mother and homemaker were where God wanted me until I was in my mid 40’s. It was then that the dreams started to blossom in my heart again. They never died; God just let them set on the back burner slowly simmering until I was ready.
Like Joseph, many of us were raised in a family of dysfunction at some level but God implanted dreams in us we never thought would happen. I believe He does that to help us get through turbulent times. God knows our beginning to our end and He is the Giver of hope. Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Here I am at 56 years of age and looking back I can see that my dreams and desires were God given. Who knew that little girl holding a microphone brush would one day get to write around 30 songs, help lead congregations in worship, and finally at the age of 56 get to help play the piano in church. Wow, I am finally living out the dreams and desires God planted in me many years ago. It almost brings me to tears when I think of where God has brought me as so undeserving as I am.
Can’t you just picture Joseph at the moment he realizes the dreams he had as a teenager were fulfilled right in front of him. Oh, the joy, the tears, the awakening he must have felt after all he had been through to get to that point. Go read the story because it just might be your story.
I don’t know where you started in life, whether it be a dysfunctional home or a home filled with great love. As an adult, you may be wounded in your heart over things you had no control over when you were a child. You may be dealing with rocky relationships in your family, favoritism, or another issue, but you know you have dreams and desires God placed in your heart. Don’t give up on them. Move forward and ask God to align your life to fulfill His purpose in you. As you read the story of Joseph, you will see that he stayed the course. Life was horribly unfair to him but he stayed connected to God and God let him live out His purpose and He will do the same for you.
Let’s pray:
Father in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus for the ones reading this. First, I thank You for giving Your life on the cross and paying for our sins so that we may have eternal life with You. Lord, I know you love each of us and I know you have a perfect plan for us. A plan not to harm us but to prosper us and give us hope and a future. Help each of us to live out the dreams you have placed in us and that they all be used for your glory. Heal us where we are hurting. Mend family units and draw the wandering back to you. Restore the joy of your salvation in our hearts and give us eyes to see You in our day-to-day activities. Thank you for Your perfect love for us. In Jesus name we ask all these things. Amen
Love and Blessings in Christ,
Britt & Sherry Miller
Ph. 717-762-2050
e-mail: bns1986@comcast.net
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